Parisa Sohrabi

Full Stack Web Developer

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Hello! I'm Parisa,
A Full stack Web Developer

I am a driven full stack Web Developer whose passionate about creating and developing meaningful websites. I found my passion for web development while working for a startup marketing firm, being trained on content writing for an online shop website.

I design and code sites that embody simplicity while maintaining functionality in a user-friendly and responsive design. As a developer, I find lots of joy and excitement, utilizing my skills to help troubleshoot bugs and push projects forward. I enjoy learning new technologies and growing in this field.

I am an expert in leadership, team-building, and communication skills that help progressive companies succeed. I am a well-organized person, problem solver, independent employee with attention to detail.

Interested in the entire front-end spectrum and working on ambitious projects with positive people.

"Momivate's" website utilized customized HTML and CSS to create a dynamic and engaging platform. Built on WordPress, the website offers responsive design, SSL certificates for security, and interactive elements like personalized goal-setting tools and community forums, empowering mothers on their journey of motivation and personal growth.
"Lumen Eye Center's" website is built on Wix and is fully responsive. The site is optimized for speed and security, with SSL certificates and regular updates. Interactive features like appointment booking forms enhance user engagement and communication.

From ideation to creation, here are some applications that I have developed.

"Filimo" is a responsive React Movie App integrated with themovieDB API and MongoDB. Enables users to explore the most popular movies and search for a movie. Users can create an account and a watchlist to track everything they have watched. Login and registration forms are configured by using validations, cookies, and JWT for a secure user experience. Back-end developed by HTTP and REST architecture with Express and MongoDB. Developed a real-time chat feature using Socket.IO
"PicGram" is a React App inspired by Instagram. Enables individual users to track their posts and utilize CRUD functionality. Login and registration forms, configured by using validations, cookies, and JSON Web Token for a secure user experience. Back-end developed by HTTP and REST architecture with Express and MongoDB.
"TwEater" is a responsive social media React App for foodies to explore local restaurants. It collaborated with the Developer team of four members. Integrated Google place, Google geolocation, and Yelp APIs to populate potential restaurants based on the user's current location and most reviewed restaurants using a searchable map. Back-end developed by HTTP and REST architecture with Express and MongoDB. Incorporated in login and registration forms with validation.
"GitHub user Finder" is a responsive React app using GitHub API.By searching a user's name, all GitHub users with the same name will show up and by clicking on each user, it'll go to the user page and show their info on GitHub like their bio section, repositories, etc. The loader will appear till all data get uploaded.
"IT Logger" is a Redux App inspired by utilizing RestAPI(CRUDs functionality) from the JSON-server database. Users can change the status of logs or delete them. There is an option to add a new log and a new technician.
"Weather Cast" is a responsive JS App that utilizes a third-party API to retrieve data from the website.
Users can check the weather of any city that illustrates local time, feels-like, humidity, and last updated time.

Languages and technologies that I have learned and applied to my projects.

  • JavaScript JavaScript(ES5 & ES6)
  • ReactReact Js
  • ReduxRedux
  • Node.jsNode JS
  • Express.jsExpress JS
  • MongoDbMongoDb
  • MongooseMongoose
  • jQueryjQuery
  • CSS3CSS3
  • BootStrapBootStrap
  • Chakra UIChakra UI

My weapon of choice to help tackle any project

  • Visual Studio code Visual Studio code
  • GitGit
  • GitHubGitHub
  • npmnpm
  • AjaxAjax
  • rest APIRestAPI
  • PostmanPostman
  • AWS AmplifyAWS Amplify
  • Socket ioSocket-io
  • BalsamiqBalsamiq
Contact Info

Feel free to contact me for career prospects, business services, and other professional inqueries!